Monday, September 7, 2009

Don't Believe Everything You Think

Although cognitive-behavioral therapy is a well-respected and widely used model of therapy, it's not one of my favorites. However, there is something about it that I do like.... the idea that it doesn't seem to do any of us much good if we always believe everything that we think.

For those of us that have brains that work mostly off of intutition and feeling, and less off of logic and data, it is hard sometimes to break ourselves free from the cycle of always believing what we think.

There never really has been an answer to the age old question, "Which comes first, the chicken or the egg?". And just as this question leaves me perplexed, so does the idea of, "Which comes first, our thoughts or our feelings?". Regardless of the answer, we do know that our perceptions of interactions create our reality.... distorted or not. So, it seems to make sense, then, that finding new or different ways to create preceptions, just might breed new and creative ways to create reality. And as Martha Stewart says, that would be.... " a very good thing."

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